Case Study "NETZkultur"

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NETZkultur is a specialist for solutions for business organisation and communication in small and medium-sized companies. The in-house developed business and CRM software infra-struktur ( organizes and simplifies all internal and external business processes: It automatically collects all information, communications and business data from all channels such as email, telephone, faxes, appointments, documents etc. and links them to customer master data or projects.

The resulting customer and project history is the ideal basis for your sales-related CRM, marketing or controlling in the area of project or management. The online and cloud-based technology makes the information available to you at any time and from anywhere. So you can perfectly network yourself, your employees and your branches. Besides the development and administration of "infra-struktur" NETZkultur advises its customers in the area of business process optimization as well as expansion and monitoring of sales.

Preliminary situation and solution

"We already knew the Net Promoter Score from previous customer surveys. In order to evaluate the quality of our software "infra-struktur", we planned to carry out a current customer satisfaction measurement, which can be carried out just as easily and quickly" explains Stefanie Heither-Bürger, who was responsible for the project implementation.

Through "Wirtschaftsjunioren" Germany, they became aware of Callexa's new software solution and decided to be one of the first customers to take advantage of the offer. Following the satisfaction measurement, the results were analysed and processed in-house. The results of the survey are the starting point for better understanding the customers and for introducing improvements. The basic rule is: There should not be much time between collecting the data, announcing the results and forwarding them to the responsible departments and the effort for the survey should be as low as possible. The analysis of the "why-question" in the questionnaire gives first clues about why someone is an advocate or critic. These success factors are the most important result of the initial phase, along with the customer satisfaction index itself. Due to the personalised survey, relevant customer data can be added to the data records from the questionnaire. The detailed customer feedback on the software "infra-struktur" could be passed on to the development department in the form of suggestions for improvement and problem cases to the support department for further processing.


Quotes from very satisfied customers were processed into user reports after consultation and agreement of the customers. A good reason to get in contact with the customers. "We called almost all customers who participated personally and solved their problems or simply thanked them. I particularly like the easy handling in the creation and that it really only takes the customer 2 clicks - thus only 5 minutes of his valuable time. Comparable surveys that you often get with 3 pages of questions are just too time-consuming. Conclusion: I never take part. The click rate at Callexa, on the other hand, was very positive," says Stefanie Heither-Bürger. The plan is to conduct regular satisfaction surveys on specific topics and even use the tool for internal employee satisfaction measurements.

"This way we are close to the customer and can better control the priorities in development."

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