How to conduct employee attitude surveys?

Callexa offers three features helping you in conduction employee surveys. Both settings can be found in the "Settings"-Tab of the survey edit panel.

Anonymize replies

Usually employee surveys are held anonymously. You can add their email addresses as usual and even import their names so you can use a personalized salutation in your survey mail. But all replies to this survey will be stored in no relation to the original recipient. You will not be able to see who responded and who did not, only the ratings and comments.

Automatically resurvey recipients

Use this in case you want to do a regular survey helping you in tracking your staff satisfaction over time. According to the HRZone report "The State of Employee Engagement" conducting such a survey at least once or twice a year has proven to increase overall satisfaction. You could even publish a public feedback link to the survey allowing your staff continuous anonymous feedback. To do so go to the "Embed"-Tab and chose the prefered option.

Automatically send reminder

Your staff probably has a stacked inbox every day, so the survey mail might be overlooked. Activate this feature to send a reminder e.g. a week after the first mail.

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