Benefits of Outsourcing Your NPS Process

Outsourcing of services is becoming more and more popular these days, more and more companies around the world are interested in outsourcing their business activities. Outsourcing has many advantages and in today's global economy it is a common practice.

Before we cover the benefits of outsourcing services in this article, it is important to understand what exactly outsourcing means.

Outsourcing, also known as business process outsourcing, is the process of hiring someone or a company domestically or abroad to handle business processes for you.

Outsourcing can be done in many forms. From the large IT Service Provider who manages internal services for another large company to the commissioned copywriter who is commissioned with the creation of important texts and content.

Business owners are now realizing that there are many reasons why businesses, large and small, may outsource various kinds of work. The analysis of customer satisfaction is also part of it.

1 - Reduced operating costs

The most obvious and outstanding benefit remains the fact that outsourcing saves you money. Many of the companies and individuals that offer outsourcing services can do their jobs for less with service contracts than with infrastructure and hiring new employees.

Outsourcing saves capital, which can then be reinvested in your product or business. It can be used for more important issues within the company and for things that demonstrate the true value of the product to your customers.

If you are the owner of a startup, you can avoid high expenses that will ultimately ease the burden on your wallet. With the additional time saved, you can concentrate on your core business and let professionals take care of your customers.

In addition, the quality of the services provided is high, as the companies that do the outsourced work often have more know-how in their specialty, so low costs do not necessarily mean low quality.

Regardless of the size of your business, it is always a good idea to cut costs when you can.

Reading recommendation: We show how the automated recording of the NPS can help you in our blog article “How to make the NPS work for you”

2 - Concentration on the core areas of the business

Outsourcing your NPS processes would save you time and allow you to focus on building your brand, investing in marketing, research and development, and thereby adding more value to your product or service.

The outsourcing of NPS surveys enables you to realign yourself to important business activities without sacrificing quality or service in the back office.

In addition to saving time, another advantage is the ability to get more out of the day when you work with companies that are based in other time zones.

This enables you to make certain adjustments shortly before the end of the working day, which have already been implemented when you get back to the office the next morning. This gives you the unusual benefit of having an ongoing business operation.

Outsourced workers, especially in EU countries or Asia, often have multilingual skills and can respond to their global customers in many languages, as well as better understanding certain cultural characteristics.

Recommended reading: Our case study shows what this can look like in practice: How Webwide Callexa uses NPS to improve customer feedback

3 - Qualified professionals

The biggest problem companies face is not the ability to collect the data, but rather to react to it efficiently. Hire specialist companies that bring these skills with them and demonstrate them very successfully.

You don't have to invest in recruiting and training employees for your company, providers like Callexa train your customer success management team so that they can take care of all processes related to the NPS customer survey.

Starting with onboarding and introducing customers to customer loyalty and renewals, a Customer Success Team can take care of the customer experience and customer lifecycle.

Staff from Outsourcing companys is well trained in customer success and has experience handling the business needs of companies wishing to outsource this part.

4 - Access to the right tools

While there are numerous ways to achieve and pursue customer success management goals, the Net Promoter Score is becoming one of the customer success team's secret weapons.

Sending a one-time NPS survey is easy, while creating an ongoing customer success and analytics process requires appropriate procedures and tools.

Outsourcing eliminates infrastructure costs as the outsourcing partner takes over the business processes and thus develops the infrastructure that is required to deliver successful customer success programs.

Outsourcing your customer success process eliminates the need to acquire the following resources:

  • Survey platform that delivers the results you want:
    You would need to look at the survey customization features and make sure the survey matches the style of your product and promotions and is represented in your CI, corporate identity, as most people associate a company with its brand colors and styles.
    You also need to pay attention to the various features your NPS product offers.

  • Survey channel that fits your target group:
    Figuring out the most effective channels for collecting customer feedback can be a daunting task, as companies have little insight into where and when to interview their customers. Outsourcing companies that have extensive experience working with various B2C or B2B companies know which approach best fits your business goals and needs.

  • A system that ensures effective and efficient follow-up of respondents:
    With hundreds of surveys sent, it can be difficult to sort through the feedback you get from customers and respond promptly to any feedback. By using outsourced NPS programs, you ensure that the processes can be processed quickly and that your customers' concerns are dealt with quickly and efficiently.

  • Automation functions that make manual work superfluous:
    Properly implemented and automated responses can be a great way to interact with customers. Today's automation tools that many outsourcing companies use can personalize your contacts and responses in many ways, allowing them to take care of far more customers than you possibly could the old fashioned way.

With these resources at your disposal, you can convert customer feedback into products, services or functions faster and offer your customers direct added value.

5 - Thorough analysis and reports

If you really want to improve the customer experience, it is not enough just to collect customer feedback, you need to have a comprehensive overview of the customer journey.

You need to gather unstructured feedback like social media reviews, operational data, and insights from conversations with your customers to see the bigger picture of the customer journey.

The automated selection you have when using outsourcing services eliminates the need for manual surveys and reports, which means that all data from who and when to dashboard scoring is processed for you.

Use your NPS as a valuable metric to track growing profits and overall customer sentiment about your brand.

Complement the NPS with other customer loyalty and behavioral metrics, as well as insights into the aspects of your product that frustrate, confuse or delight your customers in order to get a convincing view of the customer journey.

A thorough analysis of your customer journey is essential when it comes to analyzing the data and then putting it into action.

Reading recommendation: Now that you have identified all the important points for collecting feedback, it is important to use the information you received. In our blog article we show “How to further process the NPS value”

6 - Satisfied and committed customers

Since NPS is about making sure your customers get the result they want, it is only natural that your greatest asset, in the end, will be satisfied customers.

There are several steps customer success teams go through to achieve this. You will manage and measure success throughout the customer lifecycle, then apply best practices for onboarding, deployment, rollout, retention, and renewal.

You can also customize a specific approach with unique strategies, goals, and milestones that are specific to your product or service.

Through behavioral targeting and optimized campaigns, you promote relationships with the right people and at the right frequency to interact again and ensure that your customers don't churn.

At the end of the day, you have everything - the insights, tools, and the team - you need to retain your customers and turn them into staunch supporters of your brand and, by extension, your company's greatest asset.

Choose Callexa as your NPS partner

Think of the customer success program as the bridge between your customers and your brand, and Callexa as the engineer making the connection. You have most likely hired a lawyer, accountant or copywriter as the professional to guide you on the path to success. Callexa is here to be your customer success pro.

Callexa is a reliable and dedicated outsourcing partner for a wide variety of companies around the world. We strive to help you grow your business and make your brand number one in your field.

Feel free to contact us for more information on our services for outsourcing your customer success processes.

Reading recommendation: If this article helped you and you would like to find out more about the Net Promoter Score, continue reading here: “The Net Promoter Score – Basics and Areas of Application”

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