How you can save costs in customer acquisition with the NPS

Acquiring new customers is expensive and time-consuming. Anyone who has ever calculated the cost of acquiring a new customer knows this. The NPS can help you save a lot of money.

New customer vs. existing customer

If you have only thought about the costs of acquiring a new customer, we will be happy to help.

Depending on the company, the cost is 4x to 10x the cost of retaining an existing customer, as this depends on many factors.

In order to save costs, it is advisable to extend the customer lifetime of existing customers as a first step. This can be relatively easy and inexpensive if you listen to your customers, respond to criticism, and make requests possible. This increases customer loyalty to your company and reduces the churn rate.

It's no secret that many customers stick with a company even when there are cheaper options on the market because they like the way the company treats them.

Good service is priceless.

You can easily compensate for price differences to your competitors through a personal and human relationship with your customer.

Measuring this quality is imperative not only to extend customer lifetime, but also to save on the marketing costs it takes to acquire new customers.

With a good NPS strategy, your satisfied customers, the promoters, take on a large part of the marketing effort, purely through recommendations to friends and acquaintances.

Good marketing is not expensive

When calculating, you will find that the implementation and active use of NPS surveys is sometimes cheaper than the costs associated with acquiring a single new customer.

As a free bonus you get a good insight into the necessary improvements. You also give your customers the feeling that their voice is heard and that satisfaction is important to you.

It's worth noting that 68% of customers quit because they feel the company doesn't care about them.

Just show your customers you care and keep that 68%.

NPS software for good results

Start saving money today by booking your permanently free Callexa tariff "Free" and surveying your customers. Callexa helps you to increase satisfaction, reduce customer churn and relieve your marketing budget.

Recommended reading: If this article helped you and you would like to learn more about the possibilities of using NPS in customer acquisition, continue reading here: "The role of NPS in customer acquisition"

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Using a Net Promoter Score survey allows companies to learn more about customers. Evaluating and segmenting the feedback received enables a close look at customer behavior, gives an insight into needs and wishes and makes it clear which measures must be proactively taken to improve service, customer satisfaction and thus increase sales.

How to make NPS work for you

Coupled with intelligent product analysis, proper segmentation and targeting, NPS - customer surveys can be a powerful tool to find your brand supporters, but conversely to identify the customers at high risk of churn. Used correctly, the Net Promoter Score provides valuable insights that can be used to make impactful decisions to improve customer loyalty.

Why the NPS not only outputs statistics, but can also make feelings and intentions measurable.

In our Net Promoter Score articles, we talk about ways to use NPS surveys to improve the customer lifecycle and increase the accuracy of survey results. A common mistake that is made in relation to NPS surveys is to pay attention purely to the statistical evaluation, but not to take a closer look at the results and further feedback.

Closing the customer feedback loop: implement insights!

An easy way to close the customer feedback loop is to ask open-ended questions and explain how you would like to respond to the valuable information your customers are sharing. This will confirm that you understand their weaknesses and continue to strive to make their business successful. You should also let your customers know that the changes they requested have been implemented and the issues have been resolved.

Benefits of the NPS survey that you don't know yet

The Net Promoter Score survey provides access to a large body of actionable feedback that helps improve customer loyalty over time. If you are only looking for a simple evaluation, a biannual survey may be sufficient. However, you will miss the real advantages of the NPS survey.

New goals thanks to NPS: Are you still satisfied or are you already striving for more?

NPS creates the foundation for customer-oriented business success - it makes customer satisfaction measurable and provides results that can be worked with. A satisfied customer has not yet reached the last rung of the success ladder. Because after achieving the state of satisfaction, the professional and emotional work continues.

Benefits of Outsourcing Your NPS Process

Outsourcing of services is becoming more and more popular these days, more and more companies around the world are interested in outsourcing their business activities. Outsourcing has many advantages and in today's global economy it is a common practice.

What we can learn from companies with a high NPS

Does your company take its customers for granted or do you understand the art of customer loyalty? Customer loyalty is one of the most important aspects of growing your business. However, many companies overlook this and focus more on attracting new customers. If you consider the cost of doing this - getting a new customer is 6 times more expensive than retaining an existing customer - ignoring this fact can be quite expensive.

What you can learn from companies with a low NPS.

We already talked about what we can learn from companies with a high NPS in our blog article. There we examined the similarities and special characteristics of companies with a high NPS and reduced the success to the following characteristics:

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