The importance of the reminder survey

You must not ignore the importance of a reminder survey. Many users of NPS satisfaction analyzes often discontinue their survey campaigns without this function because they fear that it would have a potentially negative impact.

For example, in the form of an angry customer who then prohibits future surveys or could even move away. In addition, many users finally chose the survey based on NPS because this type of survey is simpler, the threshold for participation is lower and you don't annoy your customers with the ease of an NPS survey. The classic follow-up can seem old-fashioned.

If one looks at the history of the classic interviews and the response rate, once for the first delivery and then again with reference to the memory, one can of course come to this conclusion.

Statistical measurements of NPS surveys convince of the opposite!

Remember that surveying using NPS is not a statistical relevance exercise like traditional surveys do. While it is of course important to extrapolate trends from the data collected, the average response rate you get with a survey using NPS (without sending a reminder) is well above what is necessary for reliable collection.

Thus, more responses, whether to a survey using NPS or any other type of survey, are always better, not only for relevance, but also for more insights and the individual growth, retention and learning opportunities they offer.

There is no "too much" customer feedback.

Since the first days of development, we have endeavored to continuously improve Callexa Feedback in order to constantly maximize the response rates of the surveys for our customers. These efforts encompass everything from survey flow to optimizing customer loyalty.

We continuously analyze and update the approach of our Callexa Feedback NPS survey, discuss these approaches and recommend the current best practice to our customers for an even more successful survey. As a result, users of NPS surveys often see an average overall response rate of 30 to 40%. Configured correctly, it is possible to receive qualitative feedback from the majority of customers.

You simply have to ask yourself the simple question: If I survey 1000 customers and receive feedback from 300 to 400 customers without any major further measures, 250 of them already provide me with valuable information and tips to further improve my company ... then why do I want to no more?

Collected customer insights are like the earnings of a gold mine.

If you find a large lump the first time you sift for gold, it's unlikely to stop there, right? On the contrary, you would start by hitting all the stones in the area until you have searched the area optimally. This also applies to collecting customer feedback, where every customer is a nugget of gold. All you have to do is keep sifting to find more. It quickly becomes clear that each and every one of these customers is like gold nuggets and can help a company grow without any marketing or sales costs.

Intelligent reminder function for your surveys

The advantages of a reminder survey far outweigh the costs. As already mentioned at the beginning, the fear of negative effects when using it is unfounded.

Experience has shown that there is certainly a threshold above which one would annoy the respondent. However, this threshold is set further above and also applies to other types of reminder, for example payment reminders.

The key to success is correct dosage. Experience has shown that a one-time reminder is sufficient if it is carried out at the right time. There are also empirical values ​​for this. An interval of 3 to 7 days after sending the original survey has proven to be optimal.

Regarding the timing of your reminder, it turns out that 3 to 7 days after sending the first survey is ideal. Based on the data, there doesn't seem to be any discernible difference between these days, only if the reminder is sent outside of this time window it can have a negative impact on the result.

The Callexa Feedback NPS survey already has the necessary functions to optimize the results and avoid negative effects. If this option is activated, recipients who have not responded to your survey within the specified period of time will receive another survey e-mail once.

ATTENTION !: Please do not confuse the reminder function with the automatic re-survey. If activated, Callexa will automatically re-survey previous recipients at the specified interval. If you set up this function with the interval for a one-time reminder, it is very likely that this will indeed have a negative impact on the result.

What does that mean in numbers?

The following key points have emerged from the studies on this topic from millions of surveys.

  1. Sending a reminder survey increases the response rate on average by a further 15%
  2. Only 0.3% to 0.5% of customers will unsubscribe from future surveys based on the reminder survey.

    Applied to the example with the 1000 customers surveyed, this means that with an average of 300-400 direct answers from 600 to 700 customers, you will not hear anything, reduce this value by a reminder by another 100 and only 3 customers will unsubscribe from further surveys.

In numbers, that's 100 additional valuable feedback and customer knowledge per survey.

Reading recommendation: If this article helped you and you would like to find out more about the Net Promoter Score, continue reading here: “The Net Promoter Score – Basics and Areas of Application”

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