Why you should also talk to your Detractors

In addition to receiving valuable customer reviews from our promoters, it is always advisable to talk to the detractors who are not satisfied.

In the enedavor to make sure customers have a redeemable purchase and grat customer experience, mistakes can happen every now and then, this is simply part of the process where people work. All the more, dealing with errors is important. Reach out to customers who have had an unpleasant business experience. It is often sufficient to show understanding for the client´s discontent and criticism to turn a dissatisfied critic into a happy promoter.

Get to the root of the problem

A discussion with the Detractor is also an opportunity for you to learn more about the grievances and general problems. Unfortunately, detractors rarely leave a comment in addition to the rating that describes the problems experienced more in detail. Contact the person to ask for all the details and also to start solving the problem straight away.

Churning customers can be expensive.

Customers who part with your company not only generate no more sales, they also cause your company considerable costs. It costs your company several times over to replace lost customers with new customers, which is why you should always take criticism seriously and look for the reasons for the dissatisfaction.

Still waters run deep

Listening to dissatisfied customers can save your business. It is not uncommon for problems that at first glance are mistaken for a user error and then turn out to be serious and possibly harmful bugs that would have been overlooked if the customer had not pointed them out and you did not ask carefully. So always take the criticism seriously and always investigate the problems raised.

As you can see, there are a number of good reasons to contact Dectractors. Sometimes that's enough, as customers usually assume that their feedback is sinking into the nirvana of the internet. Your reaction and personal contact gives the customer the feeling that his opinion / criticism has been heard and is important to your company.

Often the initially tense conversation turns into a pleasant and friendly conversation and the previously unsatisfied Detractor becomes a long-term and loyal customer.

Reading recommendation: If this article helped you and you would like to find out more about the Net Promoter Score, continue reading here: “The Net Promoter Score – Basics and Areas of Application”

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The importance of the reminder survey

Keep in mind that polling using NPS is not an exercise in statistical relevance like traditional surveys are. While it's obviously important to extrapolate trends from the data you collect, the average response rate you'll get from an NPS survey (without sending a reminder) is well above what's necessary for reliable collection.

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