More conversions from trials? No problem with the Net Promoter Score

The Net Promoter Score survey is a wonderful tool for surveying your customers about their satisfaction and getting valuable feedback from them.

However, you can already use the NPS for users who are not yet full customers. Your trial users.

After the first half of the trial period, send these customers an NPS survey to get more information about what they think of your product.

The responses you receive to this survey will show you which users are already convinced of your offer, which customers are having difficulties setting it up, and who did not like your offer at all.

Follow up on the responses based on the score and take appropriate action.

How to connect onboarding, the NPS and trial customers

Halfway through the trial period, send these customers an NPS survey. Set this up as a separate campaign to be able to view the evaluation and responses separately.

Send notifications of reviews received directly to your customer success team so they can take action based on the review.

  • Promoter
    send these customers a request for a short review as part of the follow-up question, or ask them to rate them on an external portal or your social media page.

    These customers are convinced of your offer. Thank you for the great rating and offer to convert the trial directly.
  • Passives
    find out more about the necessary improvements here. These users are fine, but the offer doesn't yet meet all the requirements, which is why they are not yet enthusiastic promoters.

    The customer success team can also escalate the process directly to your technical support to arrange a guided setup with the user.
  • Critics
    the follow-up questions should aim to learn more about the original problem. You can ask what exact requirements the user has or what goals he is pursuing with the use.

    You forward the feedback received on this to your marketing department in order to further detail the target groups.

Why already use the NPS with trial customers?

Actionable feedback is oxygen for every business. By applying the NPS directly when onboarding your trial customers, you start the optimizations right at the root.

Only if you know what first impression your product made on these users do you have the necessary information to make it more attractive to a broader range of potential customers.

Continue this constantly and implement the NPS at all touchpoints, recognize trends and new needs earlier and thus have the opportunity not only to increase customer lifetime, you ensure that your offer remains attractive to new customers in the long term.

Another good reason to carry out the NPS survey directly in the trial phase is that you can establish direct contact with the user, learn more about their wishes and needs and thus have the opportunity to answer all queries directly.

How do these measures help to increase conversions?

  • Additional touchpoint
    By implementing another touchpoint and constantly surveying trial customers, you receive a large amount of actionable feedback and stay in touch with the customer.
  • Optimization of the product development strategy
    The feedback received, correctly segmented, will help you to further improve your offer and thus make it more interesting for other trial users.
  • Marketing strategy optimization
    If you know your target group exactly, the number of trial customers who will no longer use your product after the end of the test phase will steadily decrease.

Setting up your own NPS survey for trial customers.

If you have not previously conducted NPS surveys, then implementing it for trial customers is an excellent opportunity to incorporate NPS into your routines.

Register for our permanently free Callexa tariff "Free", with which you can already carry out up to 50 surveys per month.

Then use the variety of integration options or our API to set up the automated transmission of the information required for the survey and adjust the time of the survey to your trial phase.

Callexa will then start interviewing your trial customers. You can show the feedback in segments and contact the customers directly in the Callexa dashboard.

We are at your disposal for questions about the NPS, the setup of your Callexa NPS survey or our tariffs.

Recommended reading: If this article helped you and you would like to learn more about the possibilities of using NPS in customer acquisition, continue reading here: "The role of NPS in customer acquisition"

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Actions you can take if you are not receiving qualitative NPS feedback

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Why the NPS not only outputs statistics, but can also make feelings and intentions measurable.

In our Net Promoter Score articles, we talk about ways to use NPS surveys to improve the customer lifecycle and increase the accuracy of survey results. A common mistake that is made in relation to NPS surveys is to pay attention purely to the statistical evaluation, but not to take a closer look at the results and further feedback.

How you can save costs in customer acquisition with the NPS

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