More conversions from trials? No problem with the Net Promoter Score

The Net Promoter Score survey is a wonderful tool for surveying your customers about their satisfaction and getting valuable feedback from them. However, you can already use the NPS for users who are not yet full customers. Your trial users. After the first half of the trial period, send these customers an NPS survey to get more information about what they think of your product.

How to increase customer satisfaction over time

The Net Promoter Score® is a valuable metric to track and observe customer feedback. Once deployed, it can provide valuable insights into how customers feel about your product or business and what changes and improvements they would like to see. Over time, this metric can become the valuable tool you didn't know you needed.

Basic areas of application for your satisfaction analysis with NPS.

An NPS survey can always be used when the customer has had contact with your company. These touchpoints can vary from industry to industry. Because NPS can be used in so many places, Callexa is provided in such a way that you can integrate your surveys almost anywhere.

The Net Promoter Score and the Thank You Page

The Net Promoter Score methodology survey is a marketing tool you can rely on to collect important customer data. But how can you integrate the NPS at relevant touchpoints of your website to get more accurate information?

How to effectively implement an NPS data analysis

A company's growth potential can be determined by its NPS score. If the Net Promoter Score® increases, the potential also increases. The reason for this is understandable, the more satisfied your customers are with your company, the more likely it is that more sales will be made and more customers will come to you through recommendations.

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