Why should I not use a coloured NPS scale?

In a customer survey via NPS (Net Promoter Score), the question "How likely is it that you will recommend XXX (insert product or service) to your friends and colleagues?" is intended to find out what the respondent thinks about the product/service and how satisfied he or she is with it. The rating is given on a scale of 0 - 10, whereby 0 is considered rather unlikely, 5 a neutral rating and 10 as extremely likely.

Unfortunately, many providers incline to adopt color visualization in their NPS survey. By using the colors in the scale, you clearly signal to the respondent which numbers are considered good and which numbers are considered warning or bad. This can distort the NPS because the respondent no longer sees the recommending thought in the foreground, which is the decisive factor in NPS.

A color visualization works excellently during analysis and in subsequent reports, as it can help to understand the mechanics of the Net Promoter Score. But showing this to the respondent can be a big mistake. It distorts the measurement and the NPS, which defeats the purpose of tracking customer satisfaction.

How can I still use the coloured scale?

Please note: We do not recommend to activate this option as this can distort the NPS!

Log into your account

Log in to your account on our website https://www.callexa.com/en/login.

Edit survey

If you have already created a survey, please go to the details of the survey you want to use. To do so, click on the previously assigned name.

If you have not yet created a survey, please add one first. You can find instructions in our FAQ article "How can I create and customize a survey?".

Activate the coloured scale

Go to the tab "Email Template" and select "Coloured Scale" from the dropdown menu "Style" .

Apply settings

Click on "Save" in the upper section to apply the setting.

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