What does it mean to have a high NPS?

The presence of a high Net Promoter Score (NPS) indicates that a company has a significant number of customers who are likely to provide positive recommendations. A high NPS suggests that customers are highly satisfied with the company, its products, or services. A high NPS can indicate that the company enjoys strong brand loyalty and has the potential to attract new customers through word-of-mouth.

What are the benefits of a high NPS?

A high NPS can offer several advantages:

  • A high NPS can indicate higher customer satisfaction, suggesting that the company is successful in meeting customer needs and building positive customer relationships.
  • Customers who actively recommend the company can lead to increased customer growth as their referrals attract potential new customers.
  • A high NPS can help strengthen the company's image and increase trust among current and potential customers.

What does it mean to have a low NPS?

A low NPS suggests that there is a larger number of customers who are dissatisfied or unwilling to recommend the company compared to promoters. A low NPS can indicate a poor customer experience, issues with products or services, or general dissatisfaction with the company. A low NPS can also mean that customers are more likely to speak negatively about the company and potentially switch to competitors.

What challenges come with a low NPS?

A low NPS can bring several challenges:

  • It signals customer dissatisfaction and indicates that the company has been unable to meet their expectations. This can lead to customer loss and revenue decline.
  • A low NPS can have negative impacts on the company's image as dissatisfied customers often express their dissatisfaction publicly.
  • It can highlight weaknesses in the customer experience that need to be addressed urgently to improve customer satisfaction and keep the company competitive.

What can companies do to improve a low NPS?

In order to achieve an improvement in NPS, it is important to identify the causes of dissatisfaction and take targeted countermeasures. This can involve improving product quality, optimizing customer service, streamlining processes, and increasing customer engagement. It is also crucial to analyze and utilize customer feedback for continuous improvements. By actively listening, resolving issues promptly, and maintaining open communication, companies can regain customer trust and increase satisfaction.

Is a high NPS the same in every industry?

No, the NPS can vary depending on the industry. Different industries have different customer expectations and needs. Therefore, a high NPS in one industry may have a different value than in another industry. It is important to evaluate the NPS compared to competitors and in relation to similar companies in the same industry to obtain a comprehensive picture of customer satisfaction.

Should a company solely focus on a high NPS?

A high NPS is an indicator of positive customer satisfaction and loyalty, but companies should not focus exclusively on it. It is important to consider the NPS in conjunction with other performance metrics, such as revenue growth, customer retention, and brand image. A holistic approach to improving the customer experience and overall company performance should be pursued.


The NPS provides valuable insights into customer satisfaction and loyalty. A high NPS indicates that customers actively recommend the company, while a low NPS indicates dissatisfaction. Companies should view a low NPS as an opportunity for improvement and take targeted actions to increase customer satisfaction and regain customer trust.

Reading recommendation: If you would like to read more deeply into the topic of NPS values, we recommend our blog article "What we can learn from companies with a high NPS."

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