New function: Time-controlled sending of your NPS survey

With Callexa Fedback, you can send customer satisfaction surveys with the NPS system. The actual sending of the NPS survey is relatively easy thanks to Callexa feedback. However, if the survey is sent at the wrong time, this can have a negative impact on the ratings.

Send your NPS Survey at the right time

It is therefore always important to pay attention to the point in the customer journey at which the survey takes place. It is important that the customer has just had another experience with your company and that the impressions of you, your employees and your company in general are still fresh. This can be after a support request, for example, or when the customer has made a purchase and has now received his goods.

A survey 2-3 weeks after this contact would not only turn out less positive because the customer's impressions are no longer so fresh. Participation in the survey itself would also decrease, since what they experienced had been behind them for too long.

As you can see, there are a number of very different factors that can influence the outcome of your NPS survey. You can never go into too much detail in your planning. Because in addition to the right time, the time at which you conduct the survey can also influence the result. For example, if you send the surveys late in the evening or even at night, a good percentage of recipients will delete your message when they clean up their email inbox in the morning.

Automate the survey process with Callexa

In order for you to not only be able to choose the right moment for your NPS survey, but also the right time that suits your customers, we have released a new function today that enables you to do precisely this. You can activate the new time-controlled dispatch in the "Settings" tab within your survey. Use this setting to restrict the sending of surveys to certain times of the day. The first value indicates the earliest time, the second value the latest time at which the surveys can be sent.

Please make sure to set your time zone accordingly. To do this, go to the menu item "My Account" in the top right corner of the Callexa dashboard. There you have the option of setting your time zone. Callexa will carry out the time-controlled survey based on the time zone specified there.

We wish you every success with the new time-controlled survey function and, as always, are available to answer any questions.

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