More conversions from trials? No problem with the Net Promoter Score

The Net Promoter Score survey is a wonderful tool for surveying your customers about their satisfaction and getting valuable feedback from them. However, you can already use the NPS for users who are not yet full customers. Your trial users. After the first half of the trial period, send these customers an NPS survey to get more information about what they think of your product.

Your Net Promoter Score is irrelevant.

In recent years, the Net Promoter Score has proven to be a key metric for customer satisfaction. Tracking customer satisfaction trends using the Net Promoter Score is an important step in creating a customer success culture.

Benefits of Outsourcing Your NPS Process

Outsourcing of services is becoming more and more popular these days, more and more companies around the world are interested in outsourcing their business activities. Outsourcing has many advantages and in today's global economy it is a common practice.

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